Behind the Scenes : Prepping for an exhibition

Behind the Scenes : Prepping for an exhibition

I enjoy the process of preparing for an exhibition.

There are lots of details to consider: the gallery aesthetic, how many pieces you are permitted to show, sizes of your pieces, prices, the gallery's audience, how much wall space are you allocated, and more.

Then, once in the studio, you have to figure out what pieces are already finished, what pieces work together, titles, pricing, measurements, framing, photography, storage - both digital and physical, and more.

Part of my process of preparing is sitting my potential pieces together, to see if they "talk" to one another. If they do, they're in. If not, I need to paint some more.

Kimberli Werner original art paintings in situ preparing for art exhibition

(photo credit Kimberli Werner)



Kimberli Werner original art paintings in situ preparing for art exhibition

(photo credit Kimberli Werner)



Kimberli Werner original art paintings in situ preparing for art exhibition

(photo credit Kimberli Werner)

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