Behind the Scenes : Stiles

Behind the Scenes : Stiles

Maybe because I grew up in the States, and we didn't have them, but since I've moved to England, I've been fascinated by stiles. They come along with the concept of public footpaths, another idea that probably wouldn't work in the States. (and a subject for another post). 

There are so many different kinds - ladder style, steps set into a drystone wall, kissing gates, regular gates, passages in hedges, passages in walls, and all sorts of variations on these. Most are accompanied by an informative finger post with directions to more destinations. Many are cesigned to keep sheep or cows from passing through, but some even help with this as well. 

Here are some of my favourites:

Image of a rickety stile between fields in England

Image of a stone stile between a field and a church yard in England

Image of a ladder stile between fields in England

Image of a drystone wall stile between fields in England

Image of a carved stile between fields in England

Image of a step stile in the water between fields in England

Image of a tiny gate stile between fields in England

Image of a platform stile between fields in England

Image of a gate stile between fields in England

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