What have you been doing during The Weird? My painting has gone by the wayside, for the moment, as I can't paint when I am anxious. I was inspired a couple of times to make videos of my process, but the paintings have sat since then. Then again, it probably isn't that long that they have been sitting, as the days have been running into each other.
Other wise, I have been walking, running, doing neighbourhood litter picks, checking in on friends and family, having Zoom yoga, and Zoom happy hours, taking a Creative Writing class, planting vegetable seedlings, keeping a Covid diary, and cancelling holidays. I've been trying to take in factual news reports and digest them before taking in more. I say hi to neighbours more often and have little catch-ups with them, and I listen to the loud springtime bird chorus. I read comical memes, and quotes meant to make me feel better, but sometimes make me feel worse. I think about what I want to keep from this time and what can be put away until the next crisis.
So, in this in-between time, here are some calming photos.