Inspiration : Heart Shapes

Inspiration : Heart Shapes

I notice patterns in nature. Sometimes these are numbers but mostly they are shapes. I find 4-leaf clovers a lot, I mean, A LOT.


One shape that has intrigued me is the heart-shape, as it isn't anything like the heart muscle in our bodies.


No one really knows where the little shape we see nowadays came from, but some have speculated it comes from the ancient Silphium plant, a sort of wild fennel, as the seed pods are shaped similarly to the shape we see today. Here is an interesting article about it. I find it shows up in my work on occasion, and I try to take photos each time I see it in nature.


Image of gnarled tree with branches in a heart shape

(Heart shaped branches, photo credit Kimberli Werner)


Hot pink heart shape on a white background, created in paint

(Pink heart in a work in progress, photo credit Kimberli Werner)


Three rocks in a row, with the middle one shaped like a heart

(Heart-shaped rock, found in Scotland, photo credit Kimberli Werner)


A heart-shape found in a stone

(Heart shape found in an old stump, found at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK, photo credit Kimberli Werner)


White heart shape on a dark blue background, created in paint

(Heart shape in paint, in work in progress, photo credit Kimberli Werner)


Rocks on a beach, with one shaped like a heart

(Heart-shaped rock on a beach, found in Staithes, UK, photo credit Kimberli Werner)

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