Inspiration : Travel

Inspiration : Travel

Inspiration finds me at odd moments. I usually try to carry my camera with me to catch these moments, but sometimes I just have to remember. A lot of times, it is a colour that I will notice that I want to try to replicate. Or maybe the way the light is hitting a leaf or branch. Or maybe I just want to see what happens when I dribble some ink on the paper and take a roller over it, and I can enjoy the randomness and chaos of the results. I also really like macro photography, and try to take macro photos of my work-in-progress, to really see what is happening at the inner levels of the painting.


Close up image of a mushroom cap found on the slopes of Mt Etna, in Sicily, dark brown with beige cracks

Mushroom cap, found on the slopes of Mt. Etna, Sicily


Close up image of work in progress, silver paint with ridges that resemble river deltas

 Work-in-progress, silver paint in ridges


Close up image of the lichen Devil's Matchstick, small green shoots topped with red beads

Devil's Matchstick lichen, found in Lake District, UK


Close up image of abstract painting in progress with green and white lines on a red background

Close up work in progress


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