Don't you love it when artists share their processes, and the ways a painting gets started to where it ends up? I am a big fan of layers. I will be working on at least 5-6 paintings at once, all at different stages. That way, there is always something new to work on, my layers have time to dry before I start the next one, and if I don't like something I did, I can cover it up with the next layer.
Here is the next in my series, showing how my paintings grow from the beginnings, through their 'rough' phase, and to the finished painting. In this painting, once again, there was a lot, I mean A LOT of experimentation. As you can see from the first photo (top left), there were already a lot of layers before I even decided to take a photo of the progression. In contrast to my previous process blog post, this one went softer and quieter in the colour palette. There are still a lot of layers going on, but somehow the painting seems to be saying "shhhhhhhhhhh".
© 2016 Kimberli Werner, ‘Be Strong She Whispered’, encaustic wax, acrylic, pastel and collage on canvas, 20.32cm x 25.4cm.