Don't you love it when artists share their processes, and the ways a painting gets started to where it ends up? I am a big fan of layers. I will be working on at least 5-6 paintings at once, all at different stages. That way, there is always something new to work on, my layers have time to dry before I start the next one, and if I don't like something I did, I can cover it up with the next layer.
Here is the next in my series, showing how my paintings grow from their beginnings, through their 'rough' phase, and to the finished painting.
This is from my finished painting, 'Last of the Lazy Mornings'. This one was one of those paintings that went through so many incarnations, as it just didn't feel like it was ever coming together into something coherent. I started it on a piece of cardboard that I had used in a drawing class, and wanted to cover up and recycle.
I started out in my usual style of adding a lot of collage to build up some texture. I added some embossing foil and let it dry, then peeled it off for a little depth. I set it aside for a bit to work on other pieces, and when I came back to it, I thought it needed more and more collage. After adding all that extra collage, and all that extra texture, I painted over it completely with Titanium White. Time for a do-over.
The next time I worked on it, I sprinkled some papercut remnants on it, and once again, covered it all back up,, this time with silver encaustic wax and white paint. This time around, something started to come together! I started rubbing paint into the new texture, pulling out the blues and oranges, for some pretty amazing results. Phew, finally!
© 2017 Kimberli Werner, ‘ Last of the Lazy Mornings’ , encaustic wax, embossing foil, collage, pastel, on card stock, 10” x 12”.